Dissertation writing is incomplete without a concluding chapter that summarises all the thesis, its major findings and mentions limitations. After completing results and discussion chapters, a student needs to complete the conclusion chapter to finish the research paper. However, conclusion is not so easy, and many PhD students face challenges when writing the final chapter. PhD dissertation writing involves special requirements to make the paper more readable and ready for publishing. PhD writing services help students write effective and coherent the conclusion chapter that is consistent with all the requirements and deserves a great mark and response from the tutor. The assistance with PhD conclusion writing will make learning smoother and more effective.
The conclusion chapter is a final chapter of your PhD thesis that gives a summary of the research that has been undertaken. Basically, it is a concluding chapter or a summary of all research findings that summarises the whole study starting from aim and objectives to the final results. The chapter’s structure varies across universities but generally the conclusion gives a summary of the dissertation and its results mentioning limitations, implications for practice and avenues for future research.
There are different requirements of the proper dissertation chapters, and the university rules play the key role. The conclusion chapter has a lot in common with discussion, but they are not the same. This is a great help to PhD students to remind that the conclusion or summary of the dissertation follows next after the discussion chapter and includes the results mentioned in this chapter. A good conclusion is more general than the discussion and involves less intricate details compared to discussion. The concluding chapter provides results from a broader perspective while reporting on the main outcomes of the research. The conclusion must synthesise major findings and link them to the research objectives and the main research question. Therefore, PhD writing services provide students with proper conclusion chapter that does not repeat the discussion chapter.
The concluding chapter needs to be written in a broader context that links to the major purpose and research objectives. The decent dissertation conclusion chapter should include the following:
- Summarise all the key findings of the research
- Mention the key contribution from the study
- Explicitly answer the research question(s) and achieve research objectives
- Mention and discuss any limitations or weaknesses of the dissertation/thesis
- Present recommendation for the future
Therefore, the conclusion chapter is broad and includes different core elements that are equally important. First, the chapter must provide a summary of the key findings of the dissertation. Furthermore, this should be done briefly without delving deeper into the discussion and without redundant repetition of the same set of facts. Second, the conclusion chapter must explain the reader how the dissertation contributes to the literature. That is, the chapter should report on its contribution to the research. Third, the proper concluding chapter explicitly answers the research question(s) and complies with its aims and objectives. Fourth, any research paper has its limitations. Some of them relate to research methods, some to the theoretical background or the lack of it and others relate to the data. The good PhD dissertation conclusion chapter must mention all the limitations of the research. Finally, the conclusion chapter must also present recommendations to future researchers.
PhD dissertation writing involves coherent conclusion chapter that links to different parts of the paper. The following step-by-step will be good support to PhD students on how to properly write the conclusion chapter:
- Start from a brief introduction to the conclusion chapter
- Discuss overall findings from the research
- Discuss the key theoretical, empirical and methodological contributions of your thesis
- Report on the limitations of the research
- Present the implications of your study for practice
- Present recommendations for the future research
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